
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Bruno Martín Baumeister

Bruno Martín Baumeister is a Senior Lecturer in Business Law at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas of Madrid (Spain). He studied law at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas of Madrid (ICADE), before completing a Master of Laws (LLM) at the College of Europe with a scholarship from the Spanish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, a Master of Laws (LLM) at the Europa-Institut der Universität des Saarlandes with a fellowship from “La Caixa”, and a PhD in Law from the Universität des Saarlandes. He worked as a corporate lawyer in several law firms, including Clifford Chance and Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira. He has given lectures in national and international symposiums, and he has been a visiting scholar at several universities, including Georgetown Law Center (EE.UU.), Fordham University School of Law (EE.UU.), Hong Kong University School of Law (PRC) and Jindal Global University (IN). His main areas of research are corporate law, secured transactions, Islamic finance and corporate finance law.

Source : Instituto iberoamericano de derechos y finanzas

Member of the Research group

Universidad Pontificia Comillas - Spain

Islam : Economy, Society and Politics (Closed)

The team will research about the vision that Islam has on: Economy, Sociology and Political System. The main objective is to achieve a better knowledge of these realities to promote mutual understanding. The team will adopt a multidisciplinary approach. We have therefore selected different researchers with different backgrounds (Economy, Political Science, Sociology, Theology and Law).

Researchers of this group

Member of the Research group

Universidad Pontificia Comillas - Spain

HIWAR – Building bridges with Islam (Madrid)

Project HIWAR was conceived on the grounds of a group of researchers from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas that had the committed dedication to converse, get closer to and build bridges with Islam. Making the most of the experience of inter-religious dialogue that the Society of Jesus has been developing from General Congregation 34, this group aims to deepen the experience involved in sharing those values that unite us with other religious denominations in general and in particular with Islam.

Researchers of this group


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Resources related toSharia


Sharia – the misunderstood God: the way to a modern Islamic ethic

  • Mouhanad Khorchide

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Perspectives and Opportunities of Islamic Finance

  • Cédomir Nestorovic

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The fatwa in Europe. Minority rights and integration issues

  • Michel Younès

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Environmentalism and sustainability as an expression of Islamic moral orientation

  • Ida Zilio-Grandi

Abstract : The essay emphasizes cultural specificities, starting with the terminology currently used to describe sustainability, and investigates the lack of homogeneity of the semantic fields bel...


Personal Status Laws of Women in Egypt and Palestine

  • Asli Karaca

Title of the lecture : 'Institutionalized Islam in Personal Status Laws and Challenged Position of Women as ‘the Other’' In most of the Muslim-majority countries, personal status laws are the main...


Muslim morality, Islamic ethics, Šarī’a in situations

  • Maurice Borrmans

Original title : "Morale musulmane, déontologie islamique, Šarī‘a en situations" Sumary Does necessity make legal, in Islam, what is prohibited? It is to this question that this article inten...


Halal and its diffusion in European societies

  • Cédomir Nestorovic

Original title : "Le Ḥalāl et sa diffusion dans les sociétés européennes" Speaker: Prof. Cédomir Nestorovic Moderator: P. Laurent Basanese, S.J. Pontificia Universita Gregoriana, December ...