
University platform for research on Islam

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of European

Supported by
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Ida Zilio-Grandi

Professeur associé – Diplôme scientifique national de professeur ordinaire de langue et de littérature arabes (SSD L / OR-12) à l’Université Ca ‘Foscari de Venise, Département d’études asiatiques et méditerranéennes africaines (DSAAM). Actuellement en poste au ministère des Affaires étrangères en tant que directeur de l’Institut culturel italien à Abu Dhabi, ambassade d’Italie aux Émirats arabes unis.

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Resources related toQuranic Studies


The Genre of the Mawlid Narrative in the mid-12th h./18th Century as Exemplified by al-Barzanjī

  • Antonio Cuciniello

Among the works of Arabic literature concerning the genre of Mawlid, certainly al-Barzanjī’s Mawlid is a text that has achieved great popularity and spread to large parts of the Islamic world. Inde...


Jesus in Recent Qur’an Translations | The Jesus of the Qur’an vs. the Jesus of the New Testament

  • Gabriel Said Reynolds

In this video, Gabriel Said Reynolds discusses the presentation of Jesus in the Qur'an and how it is interpreted and rendered in English by recent translations of the Qur'an. I show that recent tra...


Islam and the question of honor: the Quranic point of view and Ghazali’s reflection

  • Jean-Marc Balhan

Honor is a theme of reflection present in Islam, both in its sources and in its "legal", moral, and spiritual reflection. The Quran operates a moral and religious revolution by making man's positio...


Islam and Scientific Examination: A Renewed Quest

  • Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi
  • Dominique Avon

“How can we establish an objective, rigorous, and detached study of Islam in the face of the excesses generated by its politicization? It is to answer this burning question that the French In...


Islamochristiana Journal 49 (2024): “Maurice Borrmans and Mohamed Talbi: From Friendship to Rupture”

  • David Marshall
  • Diego Sarrió Cucarella
  • Rémi Caucanas
  • Michel Younès
  • Geneviève Gobillot
  • Florence Javel
  • Yosra Garmi
  • Tobias Specker

The title of this issue, “Maurice Borrmans and Mohamed Talbi: From Friendship to Rupture,” was suggested to us by a collection of articles that highlight different aspects of the relati...


Redefining Qurʾānic Hermeneutics: Muḥammad ʿĀbid al-Jābrī and Nasr Ḥāmid Abū Zayd’s Humanistic Interpretations

  • Mohamed-Ali Mostfa

This article presents the innovative endeavor by Muḥammad ʿĀbid al-Jābrī and Nasr Ḥāmid Abū Zayd in interpreting the Qurʾān through a humanistic lens. Their approach marks a pivotal shift, viewing ...


Unity of God and unity in God – a possible perspective and way of dialogue between the believers?

  • Vanessa Breidy

A shῑ‘ῑ perspective of dialogue developed by D. Mohammad Ali Shomali. Talking about unity between believers and calling them to act upon it is not new in Islam. The Qur’ān and the early history o...


The Quran of Historians

  • Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi

How is historical research on the Qur'an received in the Muslim world? What do we know about the historical figure of Muhammad? Interview with Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi, co-director of the “Qur'an o...