Study on the theme of fraternity from the Abu Dhabi Document on HUMAN FRATERNITY FOR WORLD PEACE AND LIVING TOGETHETR, signed by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar on February 4, 2019
Born in Spain, Diego Sarrió Cucarella was the president of the Pontifical Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies (PISAI, Rome) from 2018 to 2024, where he teaches Arabic, Muslim theology, the Qur’an, and tafsīr (exegesis). He also teaches Islamic studies at the Pontifical Lateran University. He is the interim director of the scientific journal Islamochristiana, published by PISAI.
His research and publications focus on the intellectual history of Christian-Muslim relations and the theological perspectives bequeathed by this history to contemporary Christians and Muslims. Holding a degree in Arabic and Islamic studies from PISAI (canonical license), he earned a doctorate in theological and religious studies from Georgetown University with the thesis “The Mirror of the Other: The Splendid Responses of Shihāb al-Dīn al-Qarāfī,” an Egyptian Muslim scholar of the 13th century.
A member of the Society of Missionaries of Africa, better known as the “White Fathers,” Diego Sarrió Cucarella has lived in Sudan, Algeria, Egypt, and Tunisia, where he directed the Library of Religious Sciences and was part of the Christian-Islamic Research Group. He is also a consultor at the Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue of the Vatican.
Fighting for the Cause of God: Vice or Virtue? Views of ŠIHĀB AL–DĪN AL–QARĀFĪ (d. 1285)
Original title : “Se battre pour la cause de Dieu : vice ou vertu ? Vues de ŠIHĀB AL–DĪN AL–QARĀFĪ (m. 1285)” ABSTRACT: This article discusses the views of the Cairene jurist Šihāb al–D...
Medieval Muslim Polemics against the Christian Creed : The Critique of ṢĀLIḤ B. AL-ḤUSAYN AL-ǦA‘FARĪ (D. 668/1270)
Abstract After introducing Ṣāliḥ b. al-Ḥusayn al-Ǧa‘farī (d. 668/1270), the Egyptian Muslim author of an important work of anti-Christian polemic entitled Taḫǧīl man ḥarrafa al-Tawrāh wa-l-Inǧīl (‘...
Corresponding across Religious Borders: The Letter of al-Qūṭī
Summary : This article provides an introduction to the Letter of al-Qūṭī, a short anti-Islamic polemic in Arabic purportedly written by an unknown priest active in Toledo in the mid-1140s, as we...
Islam and Belonging. Proceedings of the PLURIEL 2nd International Congress
After its first international congress in Lyon from 6 to 9 September 2016 on the theme “Islam in the Plural: Faith, Thought, Society”[1], the current study brings together the proceedin...
Corresponding across Religious Borders. The Letter of Ibn Taymiyya to a Crusader in Cyprus
SUMMARY: Presentation of Taqī al–dīn Aḥmad ibn Taymiyya‘s Al–risāla al–qubruṣiyya, a letter written to a crusader baron in Cyprus, probably John II of Giblet, sometime between early 1303 and mid–13...
Blessed Ramon Llull: the character and his relationship with Islam
The PISAI is pleased to announce the publication of the book Il beato Raimondo Lullo: il personaggio e il suo rapporto con l’Islam (Roma 2021), edited by Professor Diego Sarrió Cucarella, MAf...
Online Symposium: Islamic Origins & Christian Theological Engagement with Islam
Panelists David Marshall, University of Bern (Moderator), Guest Editor of Islamochristiana Martin Accad, Arab Baptist Theological Seminary Daniel Brown, ISRME Diego Sarrio Cucarella, PISAI Sandra K...
Lavigerie and Islam, an ambiguous legacy
In a recent article on the contribution of the White Fathers to the renewal of Catholic attitudes towards Islam, Rémi Caucanas rightly notes that their founder’s legacy “was not without ambiguity”...
‘On how to discern the truth of religion’, by Hunayn b. Isḥāq. The impersonal recension
Abstract This article contributes to the study of Christian Arabic literature by providing an introduction and English translation of the treatise entitled Kayfiyyat idrāk ḥaqīqat al-diyāna, ‘On ho...
The document on human fraternity: an interdisciplinary reflection
The volume, published in the series “Interreligious and Intercultural Investigations” (No. 14), brings together contributions from ten international scholars on the Document on Human Fr...
‘Inimitable’ Koran ?
Interview with Pr. Tobias Specker, professor of Catholic Theology in the light of Islam at Sankt Georgen Graduate school of Philosophy and Theology, Frankfurt, Germany, about his book : Gottes Wort...
El islam en Europa occidental. Panorama socio-histórico y modelos de “integración”
Summary This article starts unfolding a brief outline of the history of the relations between Islam and Europe from four geographical view points and four ages: Spain (VIII century), Central Europ...
A comparative approach to the concepts of the common good and “maslaha”
Conference of Gonzalo VILLAGRAN, at the Second International Congress of PLURIEL in ROME Abstract Recently, Afifi Al-Akiti and Joshua Horden proposed the development of a new field of study cal...
Azharis, Representations of Christianity, and the Vagaries of Islamic-Christian Dialogue (1930s-2020s)
Dominique Avon, Director of Studies at the École pratique des hautes études, traces the evolution of the discourse of the ulama of al-Azhar on Christianity since the 1930s. Confronted with the colo...
Proche Orient Chrétien N°67 – Al Azhar Declaration (2017)
Tome 67 de la revue fondée par les Pères blancs en 1965 et éditée depuis 2005 par l’Université Saint Joseph de Beyrouth. Il est possible de lire en ligne les éléments suivants en cliquant sur...
The document on human fraternity: a new horizon for Islamic-Christian dialogue? (Italian)
Lecturers : Adnane Mokrani, P. Laurent Basanese S.J. Moderator: Valentino Cottini Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, April 8th, 2019 This conference marks the launch of the r...
Fighting for the Cause of God: Vice or Virtue? Views of ŠIHĀB AL–DĪN AL–QARĀFĪ (d. 1285)
Original title : "Se battre pour la cause de Dieu : vice ou vertu ? Vues de ŠIHĀB AL–DĪN AL–QARĀFĪ (m. 1285)" ABSTRACT: This article discusses the views of the Cairene jurist Šihāb al–Dīn al–Qar...
PISAI from Tunis to Rome 1964-2014
Lecture given at the Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies (PISAI) in Rome, 22 January 2015.