
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Research Group

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Catholic Theology in dialogue with Islam (Frankfurt)

Catholic theology in Europa is more and more confronted by questions and critic of Muslim intellectuals who, simultaneously and offensively, claim for commonalities of both religions. The research project is targeted to perceive this new context of theology, to analyze it diacritically, and to reformulate the potentials of Christian tradition.

Katholische Theologie in Europa sieht sich zunehmend Anfragen und Kritik seitens muslimischer Intellektueller, aber auch mit offensiv formulierten Gemeinsamkeiten beider Religionen konfrontiert. Das Forschungsprojekt will diesen neuen Kontext der Theologie wahrnehmen, unterscheidend analysieren und Potentiale der christlichen Tradition neu formulieren.


Studies of literature and teaching.


Group members

Dirk Ansorge

Professor of Dogmatic Theology - Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt Georgen.

Tobias Specker

Junior professor “Catholic Theology in the Light of Islam” - Hochschule für Philosophie und Theologie Sankt Georgen, Frankfurt.

Timo Güzelmansur

Professor of dialogue between christians and muslims, director of the "Christlich-islamische begegnungs - und dokumentationsstelle" (CIBEDO), Frankfurt am Main.

Christian Troll

Honorary Professor, Advisor at CIBEDO, Frankfurt am Main

Anja Middelbeck-Varwick

Professor of Theology of Religion and Religious Studies at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main

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