
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Marco Demichelis

Marco Demichelis (Turin, 1979) is a researcher in Islamic studies and History of the Middle East within the Gregorian center for interreligious studies, Ponfifical Gregorian University. Previously, he worked as Marie Curie Fellow (IF 2016) within the Institute for Culture and Society, University of Navarra, as a researcher in the religious studies department of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan (2013-2016) and as a professor assistant in the history of Islam at the University of Turin (2010-2012). He obtained his doctorate (2010) from the University of Genoa, Department of Political Studies.

Member of the Research group

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Italy

For a preventive Islamic de-radicalization. The Re-Configuration of the Humanities within an inter-religious approach. (Milan)

Research group held by the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan.
The return to the humanities is not only necessary, but crucial for the promotion of a de-radicalising approach to both societies: the Islamic world and Europe. This research project intends to work not only in relation to the Islamic world or the Old Continent, but to both at the same time.
The aim is to create a project of preventive de-radicalisation of Muslim citizens and society, working on a double methodological and interdisciplinary axis: the teaching of Islam, its history, its religious tradition, its sociology, etc. in parallel with the religious, cultural and historical approach of the European world and the West.

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