Research Group
See all Research GroupsThe research group at the Catholic University of Lyon has delved into the question of religious otherness, following their examination of authority and regulation in Islam. Using cross-disciplinary perspectives that involve dogmas, discourse, doctrines and reference texts, the contributions aim to examine, from a specific approach (philosophical, theological, political, religious, anthropological, historical), the plurality of forms, places, and perspectives that allow for considering the normative values that govern the relationship with the other.
The researchers approach the encounter with otherness in terms of contextualizations, transformations, and influences. Areas of focus include:
This investigation critically examines the dialectical relationship between the self and the other, with the goal of evaluating the various ways in which the relationship with others is defined, transformed, and confronted. Far from any naive idealism, the relational structure underlying the acceptance of the other and their specific point of view is a modality behind which some of the figures of otherness are inscribed.
The proposed analyses remain attentive to the perspective of actors who refer to Islam towards non-Muslims and the possible dialogue between Muslims and non-Muslims, as well as the possible intra-Muslim dialogue. This research angle aims to shed light on the comparison of the internal perspective with the external perspective, leading to a clarification of the contours of a belief that could reveal a form of exclusivism. The question then arises of the criteria that authorize the reception or not of the different other and the identification of places of resistance. The objective is to examine the dynamics that lead from exclusion to reception and those that allow for the transformation of the motives for rejection in the other.
Following the 2022 congress in Beirut, this research group plans to explore further this theme through other research axes.
Jean-Claude Angoula
Director of the St. Augustine College of Dakar, Senegal, Institute of Philosophy and Theology
Malek Chaïeb
Research fellow at CECR, UCLy
Bénédicte Du Chaffaut
Researcher at the Centre d'Etudes des Cultures et des Religions of the Catholic University of Lyon
Yosra Garmi
Ph. D in Arab studies, ENS Lyon,
Geneviève Gobillot
Professor Emeritus, Specialisation in Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Lyon 3, Jean Moulin
Florence Javel
Doctoral student at the Catholic University of Lyon
Benjamin Latouche
Parish priest and formation officer for the diocese of Valence (France)
Mohamed-Ali Mostfa
Scientific Delegate of Pluriel, Lecturer on the Arab-Muslim World and Intercultural Representations, Catholic University of Lyon, France.
Haoues Seniguer
Senior Lecturer in Political Science at Science Po Lyon
Michel Younès
Professor of Theology and Islam Studies, Deputy Director of the Research Unit "CONFLUENCE Sciences & Humanités", Director of the Centre for the Study of Cultures and Religions (CECR) - UCLy
Samir Arbache
Professor in theology and history of religions, doctor in philosophy and letters: studies on the Arab world - Catholic University of Lille.
to 12/12/24 to 14/12/24
Call for papers for Pluriel congress in Cordoba in 2026 about to be unveiled
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Study day “The emergence of Islam in a Christian context” in Lyon
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Replay / Conference “Religious authority in Islam”
Since 2019, the Pluriel group from Lyon group has brought together 14 researchers around the question of the legitimisation of religious authority in Islam. The closing conference of this research ...
to 18/11/21 to 19/11/21
Conference / Religious authority in Islam
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