
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Mohamed-Ali Mostfa

Ali Mostfa is a linguist, PhD in English language and culture. He is a lecturer at the Catholic University of Lyon, where he teaches two courses on intercultural analysis and the analysis of the discourse of influence. At the intersection between literary studies and discourse analysis, his work focuses on religious, political and cultural imaginaries. He is an associate researcher at the Centre for the Study of Cultures and Religions and a coordinating member of the PLURIEL platform (University Platform for Research on Islam in Europe and Lebanon).

He is Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Letters and Languages, Director of University Partnerships, and head of the research laboratory ERUDITT.

He is scientific delegate of the platform PLURIEL.

Member of the Research group

Université catholique de Lyon - France

Islam and Otherness: Contextualizations, Transformations, and Influences

From a cross-section of dogmas, discourses, doctrines and reference texts, the contributions aim to examine, from a specific angle of approach (philosophical, theological, political, religious, anthropological, historical), the plurality of forms, places and angles of thought that make it possible to consider the normative values that govern the relationship with the other.

Researchers of this group

Member of the Research group

Université catholique de Lyon - France

Centre d'études des cultures et des religions, UCLy - France

Authority and Regulation in Islam (Lyon)

After a research programme on religious, Islamic and Biblical fundamentalism, and a deconstructivist approach to fundamentalism, we thought it was important to approach the notion of authority in link with religion, especially in Islamic context. Persons with authority or identified places of authority are not a simple process. This is all the more true in the Sunni Muslim tradition, the absence of a designation by the Prophet of an institution willing to regulate the religious questions will open the way to a plurality of modalities that may be of theological or theological-political nature.

Researchers of this group

Member of the Research group

Université catholique de Lyon - France

Religious fundamentalism (Closed)

The research group seeks to clarify the mechanisms of fundamentalism and its various expressions. Very often, ideological and ritualistic orders are so interwoven that they lead to community identifications.

Researchers of this group

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Resources related toDiscourse Analysis - Hermeneutics


The Genre of the Mawlid Narrative in the mid-12th h./18th Century as Exemplified by al-Barzanjī

  • Antonio Cuciniello

Among the works of Arabic literature concerning the genre of Mawlid, certainly al-Barzanjī’s Mawlid is a text that has achieved great popularity and spread to large parts of the Islamic world. Inde...


Revival and Dynamics of Islamic Studies in Europe

  • Michel Younès
  • Emmanuel Pisani
  • Cédric Baylocq
  • Zohra Aziadé Zemirli
  • Michele Brignone
  • Haoues Seniguer

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Jesus in Recent Qur’an Translations | The Jesus of the Qur’an vs. the Jesus of the New Testament

  • Gabriel Said Reynolds

In this video, Gabriel Said Reynolds discusses the presentation of Jesus in the Qur'an and how it is interpreted and rendered in English by recent translations of the Qur'an. I show that recent tra...


Can Christians Learn from Qur’anic Christology? Leo Lefebure’s Theology of Judaism and Islam

  • Klaus von Stosch

Published in Publié dans Christian Perspectives on Transforming Interreligious Encounter “Christian Perspectives on Transforming Interreligious Encounter” underscores the urgency of int...


For a dialogical theological fraternity: a rereading of the Document on Human Fraternity in light of the earliest Arabic theological writings

  • Romain Louge

From the 8th century onwards, the first theological writings were composed in Arabic, either in Christian communities or in Muslim communities. This communication aims, through the study of these e...


Islam and the question of honor: the Quranic point of view and Ghazali’s reflection

  • Jean-Marc Balhan

Honor is a theme of reflection present in Islam, both in its sources and in its "legal", moral, and spiritual reflection. The Quran operates a moral and religious revolution by making man's positio...


The term “dahr” (fate) in the Arabic language and its literature

  • Paolo Branca

It is obviously not possible to examine the entire Arab literary production: we will therefore start from the many examples of pre-Islamic verses to dwell then over the centuries on the repropositi...


Islamochristiana Journal 49 (2024): “Maurice Borrmans and Mohamed Talbi: From Friendship to Rupture”

  • David Marshall
  • Diego Sarrió Cucarella
  • Rémi Caucanas
  • Michel Younès
  • Geneviève Gobillot
  • Florence Javel
  • Yosra Garmi
  • Tobias Specker

The title of this issue, “Maurice Borrmans and Mohamed Talbi: From Friendship to Rupture,” was suggested to us by a collection of articles that highlight different aspects of the relati...