to 02/12/21 to 03/12/21
International conference “Religion, State, and Law”
Les 2 et 3 décembre 2021, l’Université de Graz accueille le colloque international “Religion, État et droit : Défis nationaux, transnationaux et internationaux”. Il est organisée par la Fa...
Islam in Italy: the Roman case of Jamaat al-Tabligh
The Center for Interreligious Studies of the Pontifical Gregorian University is pleased to announce the next Forum addressing Islam-Christianity, entitled: “Islam in Italy: the Roman case of Jamaat al...
Mohamed-Ali Adraoui
Docteur en science politique, spécialiste du salafisme, du jihadisme et de l’islamisme contemporains
Stéphane Valter
Anna Hager
Chercheuse associée Post-doctorante Enseignante
Ambrogio Bongiovanni
Director of the Gregorian Center for Interreligious Studies
Haoues Seniguer
Senior Lecturer in Political Science at Science Po Lyon
Mohamed-Ali Mostfa
Lecturer on the Arab-Muslim world and intercultural representations – Catholic University of Lyon.
What does the reformation of religion mean?
Lecture given by Mohamed El Haddad as part of the Anawati Chair at the Dominican Institute of Oriental Studies in Cairo. Summary Plural Mohamed El Haddad presents his conception of religious reform within t...
Salafist Movements in Europe: Between Local and Transnational Mobilizations
Does the pandemic affect radicalisation?
Collaboration between Canadian and French researchers in the framework of the Centre Jacques Cartier talks, promoting partnerships between the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region and Quebec.
The Fate of Others in 14th century Hanbalism
Abstract In a recent publication entitled Ibn Taymiyya’s Theological Ethics, Sophia Vasalou tackles the moral objectivism that Ibn Taymiyya would reworked inspired to the unorthodox thought of Mu‘tazilite s...
The evolution of terrorism from Al Qaeda to ISIS: organization, methodology and profiles
Original title : “La evolución del terrorismo de Al Qaeda al ISIS: organización, metodología y perfiles” Abstract In the last 25 years international terrorism has evolved significantly. The emer...
Religious Violence, Political Ends, Nationalism, Citizenship and Radicalizations in the Middle East and Europe
Salafist Islam, despotism and modernity according to Abdel-Jawâd Yassine
Original title : “Islam salafiste, despotisme et modernité d’après Abdel-Jawâd Yassine” The societies of the Middle East remain more marked than elsewhere by the omnipresence of the religi...
Fundamentalism, Extremism, Fanaticism and Religious Terrorism. An effort at Clarification
Original title: “Fundamentalismo, extremismo, fanatismo y terrorismo religioso. una clarificación de los conceptos” Abstract In recent years, we have witnessed an increase in terrorist activity,...
Controversy over the perception and status of the other (wala and bara)
Lecture by Emmanuel PISANI, during the Second International Congress of PLURIEL in Rome The concepts of wala and bara [loyalty/friendship – disloyalty/enmity] have led to the development of a theological do...
Morocco, a fundamentalist state?
The fundamentalist attitude has several variations. In the Moroccan context, the mechanisms of state fundamentalism are linked in particular to the genealogical referent of the Alaouite dynasty in power. Th...
Islamism, a “fundamentalism” in Islam
Often these terms are used by writers with little precision. In journalistic literature they are sometimes used with notable confusion, making them interchangeable. However, each of these terms has its hist...
Denouncing the manipulations of the religious in geopolitical conflicts
Lecture by Georges Corm, professor at the Institute of Political Science of the Saint-Joseph University of Beirut, given during the first international congress of Pluriel in Lyon.