
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Publisher : Facultad de Teología de Granada - Granada



Transformative Conversations. A methodology for Christian-Muslim dialogue in the field of religious social thought

In this book, Prof. Villagran proposes to enter the debate on comparative theology, a trend proposed by the American theologian Frank Clooney, to show its possibilities as a theological methodology for dialogue with Islam. The work also presents the improvements and nuances proposed to this theology by the work of Tobias Specker and David Tracy. After this more systematic reflection, the author takes the discussion to the field of interreligious social thought. First, he reflects on the use of comparative theology in the socio-political field and then presents a comparative approach to the concepts of the common good in the social thought of the Church and maslaha (public interest) in the Islamic legal tradition.

Titre original : “Conversaciones transformadoras. Una metodología para el diálogo islamo-cristiano en el campo del pensamiento social religioso”

Le Prof. Villagran propose dans cet ouvrage d’entrer dans le débat sur la théologie comparative, courant proposé par le théologien américain Frank Clooney, pour montrer ses possibilités comme méthodologie théologique pour le dialogue avec l’islam. L’œuvre présente aussi les améliorations et nuances que proposent à cette théologie les travaux de Tobias Specker et David Tracy. Après cette réflexion plus systématique, l’auteur amène le débat au champ de la pensée sociale interreligieuse. Dans un premier temps, il réfléchit sur l’application de la théologie comparative au domaine socio-politique, puis il présente une approche comparative aux concepts du bien commun de la pensée sociale de l’Église et du maslaha (intérêt publique) de la tradition juridique islamique.

محادثات تحويلية. منهجيّة الحوار الإسلامي المسيحي في مجال الفكر الاجتماعي الديني
يقترح الأستاذ فياغران في كتابه هذا خوضَ النقاش حول اللاهوت المقارن، وهو تيّار عرضه عالم اللاهوت فرنسيس كزافييه كلوني ليقدّمَ اقتراحاته كمنهجيّة لاهوتية تُعتَمد في الحوار مع الإسلام. ويعرضُ الكتاب أيضاً التحسينات والتفاصيل الدقيقة التي أضفتها أعمالُ طوبياس سبيكير و ديفيد ترايسي على هذا اللاهوت. بعد هذا التأمّل الأكثر منهجية، ينقل المؤلّف النقاش إلى مجال الفكر الاجتماعي بين الأديان. فيعمدُ أوّلاً، إلى التفكير المعمّق في تطبيق علم اللاهوت المقارن في المجال الاجتماعي السياسي، ثم يقدّم مقاربةً مقارنةً لمفهوم “الصالح العام” الخاصّ بفكر الكنيسة الاجتماعي و مفهوم “المصلحة” الخاصّ بالتقليد القانوني الإسلامي.

Resources of this researcher


In search of a comparative Christian social thought. A methodological proposal

The article "In search of a comparative Christian social thought" aims to propose a methodology for developing a comparative Christian social thought. To do this, it explores two sources of inspira...


A comparative approach to the concepts of the common good and “maslaha”

Conference of Gonzalo VILLAGRAN, at the Second International Congress of PLURIEL in ROME Abstract Recently, Afifi Al-Akiti and Joshua Horden proposed the development of a new field of study cal...


Presentation of the congress “Islam and Belonging” of PLURIEL

With the voices of members of the Scientific Comittee  


Being a Muslim in a Jesuit college

Original title : "Ser musulmán en un colegio jesuita" Paper by Lea FIEDLER, under the direction of Gonzalo VILLAGRÁN Abstract This article presents the process and the results of an invest...


Transformative Conversations. A methodology for Christian-Muslim dialogue in the field of religious social thought

In this book, Prof. Villagran proposes to enter the debate on comparative theology, a trend proposed by the American theologian Frank Clooney, to show its possibilities as a theological methodology...


Bridges between the Jesuit Migrant Service and Jesuit Higher Education Centers for Interreligious Dialogue with Islam

Original title : "Puentes entre el Servicio Jesuita a Migrantes y los centros jesuitas de educación superior para el diálogo interreligioso con el Islam" In Spain, opportunities for interreligio...


Islam’s integration in Spain

Summary: Muslim presence in Spain is much more recent than in other European countries so at times it is not clear if there is a real integration model in this country. Nevertheless, looking at the...

Resources related to Social work


Muslim Social Action in Europe: Community Engagement, Charitable Contribution, and Religious Activism in France, Switzerland, and Great Britain.

  • Baptiste Brodard

In France, as in other European countries, Muslim associations offer charitable services including the distribution of food parcels to low-income families, outreach to the homeless, academic suppor...


Exploring Islamic Social Work. Between Community and the Common Good

  • Hansjörg Schmid

This open access book addresses, for the first time, Islamic social work as an emerging concept at the interface of Islamic thought and social sciences. Applying a multidisciplinary approach it exp...


Innovative social work practices by Islamic grassroots organizations in Switzerland

  • Baptiste Brodard

In Switzerland, specific issues related to Muslims have recently emerged in public debates. In addition to the question of radicalization, Muslim migrant populations are affected by social problems...


A Response to Public Discourse? Intracultural Islamic Social Work in a Plural Society

  • Hansjörg Schmid
  • Baptiste Brodard

As the public discourse on Islam is strongly influenced by the issue of radicalisation, the topic of prevention is gaining in importance and legitimacy. While the Swiss welfare state leaves little ...


Islamic Reformist Thought in Western Europe: Zakat for Non-Muslims as an Illustration

  • Baptiste Brodard

Islamic reformism is an increasingly popular concept in Europe. However, it refers to distinct currents of thought. Baptiste Brodard proposes to explore a particular current of Islamic reformism th...


A comparative approach to the concepts of the common good and “maslaha”

  • Gonzalo Villagrán

Conference of Gonzalo VILLAGRAN, at the Second International Congress of PLURIEL in ROME Abstract Recently, Afifi Al-Akiti and Joshua Horden proposed the development of a new field of study cal...


Transformative Conversations. A methodology for Christian-Muslim dialogue in the field of religious social thought

  • Gonzalo Villagrán

In this book, Prof. Villagran proposes to enter the debate on comparative theology, a trend proposed by the American theologian Frank Clooney, to show its possibilities as a theological methodology...