
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Publisher : IDEO - Institut dominicain d'études orientales, IFAO - Institut français d'archéologie orientale - Cairo




MIDEO 34 – The authority of Ḥadīṯ

The canonization of Ḥadīṯ has not been without theological conflicts: between the Qurʾānic scholars, the traditionalists, and the rationalists, the question raised is always that of the authority of knowledge. How has the authority of Ḥadīṯ been built and how has the science of Ḥadīṯ been transmitted and gave birth, within the schools of Fiqh and the various currents of Islam (kalām, philosophy, etc.), not only to a plurality of interpretations but also to the elaboration of an epistemological framework? The theme of this issue of Midéo seeks to understand the source of the authority of Ḥadīṯ understood as an intellectual sovereignty, to grasp the reality of its authority as « text » (matn), and to question the extent of the fields of knowledge in which Ḥadīṯ is authoritative.

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La canonisation du ḥadīṯ n’a pas été sans conflits théologiques : entre les coranistes, les traditionnistes, les rationalistes, la question posée est toujours celle de l’autorité du savoir. Comment l’autorité du ḥadīṯs’est-elle construite et comment la science du ḥadīṯ a-t-elle pu être transmise et donner lieu, au sein des écoles de fiqh et des différents courants de l’islam (kalām, philosophie, etc.), non seulement à une pluralité d’interprétations mais aussi à l’élaboration d’un cadre épistémologique ? Le dossier de ce Midéo cherche à comprendre la source de l’autorité du ḥadīṯ au sens de souveraineté intellectuelle, à saisir la réalité de cette autorité en tant que « texte » (matn), à questionner l’étendue des champs du savoir dans lesquels le ḥadīṯ fait autorité.

Le contenu du volume est disponible sur OpenEdition, en accès libre :

لم يتمّ تكريس الحديث النبويّ كمرجعيّة دون صراعاتٍ دينيّة بين علماء القرآن وأهل الحديث وأهل العقل. والسؤال المطروح دائمًا هو عن مصدر السلطة المعرفيّة؟ كيف نشأتْ مرجعيّة الحديث النبويّ وكيف أنّه من خلال المدارس الفقهيّة والتيارات المختلفة في الإسلام مثل علم الكلام والفلسفة إلخ… انتقل علم الحديث، وكيف أدّى ليس إلى تعدّديّةٍ في التفسير فحسب بل أيضًا إلى صياغة إطارٍ معرفيّ جديد؟ يهدف هذا العدد من مجلّة معهد الدراسات الشرقيّة للآباء الدومينيكان إلى فهم مرجعيّة الحديث النبويّ كسلطةٍ فكريّة وكذلك إلى فهم حقيقة سلطة الحديث كـ«نصّ» (المتن)، ويهدف كذلك إلى التساؤل حول مساحة المجالات المعرفيّة الّتي يعمل فيها الحديثُ النبويُّ كسلطةٍ مرجعيّة.

Resources of this researcher


Muslim Theologies of Religious Pluralism. Proceedings of the Colloquium Held on November 20 and 21, 2021

The laboratory of the Institute of Science and Theology of Religions of Paris (Theologicum, ICP) presents here the outcome of four years of research on the theme of religious pluralism in Islam. Wh...


MIDÉO No. 37: Recitation in the early centuries of Islam

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Synthesis of the congress ‘Islam and Otherness’

Friar Emmanuel Pisani, Director of the Dominican Institute of Oriental Studies, Cairo 3rd International Congress of the PLURIEL network, from 23 to 27 May 2022 in Beirut. In partnership with the ...


Heterodox and non-Muslim in the thought of Abū Ḥāmid al-Ġazālī

This study addresses the question of how to view and understand religious otherness from a Muslim perspective, in the light of one of its greatest thinkers. Starting from a questioning of the statu...


al-Ġazālī, a figure of a magisterial authority?

Conference « Religious Authority in Islam », organised by the Centre for the Study of Cultures and Religions and the Research Unit of the Catholic University of Lyon (UCLy), on 18 and 19 November 2...


In Islam, why do certain people occupy the center of the scene more than others?

Elements of answers to a question studied by the research group on the theme “Authority and regulation in Islam” of the Centre for the Study of Cultures and Religions (CECR, UCLy) The group brin...


MIDEO 36 – Iǧtihād and taqlīd in Sunnī and Šīʿī Islam

The theme of iǧtihād and taqlīd, by pointing to the notional antagonism between independent reasoning on the one hand and submission to the argument of authority on the other, plunges us into the h...


Islam and Otherness : presentation of the 3rd PLURIEL International Congress

Presentation of the theme and the stakes of the 3rd international congress of PLURIEL. Planned to take place in Beirut in April 2020, it had to be rescheduled and reshaped due to the global heal...


Religions and dialogues

Founded in 1967 in the wake of the Vatican Council II at the request of the missionary congregations and of Rome, by Fathers Jean Daniélou and Henri Bouillard, the Paris Institute of Science and Th...


MIDEO 35 – Interactions between Twelver Shiites and Christians

This volume 35 is made up of a dossier gathering most of the papers presented at the conference held in April 2018 at the Institut Catholique de Paris on the interactions between Imamites and Chris...

Resources related to Authority


From Transnational Islamic Movements to Individual Religiosity: the Crisis of Religious Authority in Western European Muslim Communities

  • Baptiste Brodard

Islam has evolved in form over recent decades in Western European countries, where its lack of institutionalization and official representation allow different ideological trends, movements, and re...


Azharis, Representations of Christianity, and the Vagaries of Islamic-Christian Dialogue (1930s-2020s)

  • Dominique Avon

Dominique Avon, Director of Studies at the École pratique des hautes études, traces the evolution of the discourse of the ulama of al-Azhar on Christianity since the 1930s. Confronted with the colo...


Authority in Islam. What regulation? Proceedings of the symposium.

  • Michel Younès
  • Mohamed-Ali Mostfa

“It is often said: “”no clergy in Islam””. In the absence of a hierarchical and universal magisterial authority, what are the instances and figures that serve as regul...


The authority of the Ulemas, Glory and misery according to Abdel Jawad Yassin

  • Samir Arbache

Conference « Religious Authority in Islam », organised by the Centre for the Study of Cultures and Religions and the Research Unit of the Catholic University of Lyon (UCLy), on 18 and 19 November 2...


The 19th century as a new ‘axial era’. Some epistemological aspects of the authority crisis

  • Michaela Quast-Neulinger

Conference « Religious Authority in Islam », organised by the Centre for the Study of Cultures and Religions and the Research Unit of the Catholic University of Lyon (UCLy), on 18 and 19 November 2...


The concept of “citizenship” in the Azhari discourse. Problems and contradictions

  • Mohamed Gamal Ali

The concept of "citizenship" in the Al-Azhar discourse, problems and contradictions Al-Azhar Foundation announces on various occasions its full adoption of the concept of “citizenship,” and the ...


Is God a Lawgiver? Christian and Muslim Perspectives on Ius divinum

  • Timo Güzelmansur
  • Tobias Specker

Law that invokes divine appointment or other religious justifications is repeatedly the focus of general attention in Germany. Beyond the concrete religious legal provisions, there is a reflection ...


Religious authority and its contestation according to Mohammad Talbi

  • Yosra Garmi

Conference « Religious Authority in Islam », organised by the Centre for the Study of Cultures and Religions and the Research Unit of the Catholic University of Lyon (UCLy), on 18 and 19 November 2...