Publisher : Profac - UCLy - Lyon
Created in 1987 in the footsteps of the ‘French Union of Young Muslims’, the Tawhid publishing house was launched by second-generation Muslims who often returned to Islam. Tawhid was able to offer an alternative to books focused mainly on mysticism or sociology, as shown by M. Younès: books dealing with the fundamentals of the Islamic faith and practice were thus offered to a French-speaking Muslim public. It was therefore urgent to analyse Tawhid’s publications to see what they reveal about the life and thinking of Muslims in France.
Née en 1987 dans le sillage de l’Union des Jeunes Musulmans de France, la maison d’édition Tawhid fut lancée par des musulmans de la seconde génération souvent revenus à l’islam. Tawhid a su proposer une alternative aux ouvrages centrés surtout sur la mystique ou la sociologie comme le montre M. Younès : des ouvrages traitant des fondamentaux de la foi et de la pratique islamique ont ainsi pu être proposés à un public musulman francophone. Il était donc urgent d’analyser les publications de Tawhid pour voir ce qu’elles révèlent de la vie et de la pensée des musulmans en France.
Revival and Dynamics of Islamic Studies in Europe
“In a troubled international context where Islam is sometimes defined as an ideological marker of many conflicts, academic research drawing on history, sociology, and political science has mu...
Islamochristiana Journal 49 (2024): “Maurice Borrmans and Mohamed Talbi: From Friendship to Rupture”
The title of this issue, “Maurice Borrmans and Mohamed Talbi: From Friendship to Rupture,” was suggested to us by a collection of articles that highlight different aspects of the relati...
Online Symposium: Islamic Origins & Christian Theological Engagement with Islam
Panelists David Marshall, University of Bern (Moderator), Guest Editor of Islamochristiana Martin Accad, Arab Baptist Theological Seminary Daniel Brown, ISRME Diego Sarrio Cucarella, PISAI Sa...
Opening speech of the fourth congress in Abu Dhabi, Michel Younès
At the opening of the fourth congress of the University Platform for Research on Islam Pluriel, which celebrates its tenth anniversary, Michel Younès expressed his pride in the advances made in ter...
Religions put to the test by freedom of expression
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Islam & Otherness. Proceedings of the Pluriel congress in Beirut
Edited by Michel Younès, Ali Mostfa and Roula Talhouk “In a contemporary context marked by a growing tendency to lock oneself into oppositional logics, reflection on otherness in Islam opens ...
Authority in Islam. What regulation? Proceedings of the symposium.
“It is often said: “”no clergy in Islam””. In the absence of a hierarchical and universal magisterial authority, what are the instances and figures that serve as regul...
Being yourself through the other. How I grew up in a context of diversity
“This book retraces the itinerary of Michel Younès in which he shows that otherness is part of identity. In a context where cultural and religious diversity is no longer an option, he seeks t...
Islam and Christianity: mutual views and challenges of otherness
In his book Soi-même comme un autre (Seuil 1990), the French philosopher Paul Ricoeur (1913-2005) builds his reflection on this 'as' which, according to him, allows us to escape from two harmful te...
The Abu Dhabi Document: A Potential Cornerstone for Islamic-Christian Dialogue in Italian Educational Contexts
In Italy, the migratory phenomenon has also had an impact on the school system, becoming an interesting potential field for intercultural and inter-religious encounters. As regards, for instance, t...
Revival and Dynamics of Islamic Studies in Europe
“In a troubled international context where Islam is sometimes defined as an ideological marker of many conflicts, academic research drawing on history, sociology, and political science has mu...
Salafist Movements in Europe: Between Local and Transnational Mobilizations
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From Transnational Islamic Movements to Individual Religiosity: the Crisis of Religious Authority in Western European Muslim Communities
Islam has evolved in form over recent decades in Western European countries, where its lack of institutionalization and official representation allow different ideological trends, movements, and re...
Religious Diversity, Interreligious Perspectives, and Islamic Religious Education in Switzerland: Current Situation and Room for Maneuver
Twenty years ago, the first pilot projects of Islamic religious education (IRE) in public schools in Switzerland caused a stir in some parts of the country. From a pedagogical perspective, the rati...
Islam & Otherness. Proceedings of the Pluriel congress in Beirut
Edited by Michel Younès, Ali Mostfa and Roula Talhouk “In a contemporary context marked by a growing tendency to lock oneself into oppositional logics, reflection on otherness in Islam opens ...
Bad guy or good guy? The framing of an imam
In this paper, we investigate framing in the case of an imam in Switzerland. We conducted a qualitative content analysis of 175 articles from Swiss newspapers and public broadcasting websites in Ge...
Breaking Ramadan in the city centre. The public presentation of a young Muslim association
By Federico Biasca and Guillaume Chatagny "This article presents, describes, and analyses an event for breaking the fast organized in the public sphere by a local association of young Muslims in...